The Org.Mentalis.Security.Tools namespace consists of a number of helper classes for cryptographic operations.


public classCertificateSettings
Holds the different settings for the self-signed certificate generation process.

public classCommonCertificateExtensions
This class contains builder methods to generate X509Extension instances for some of the more common extensions.

public classPrivateKeyFile
The PrivateKeyFile class represents a Private Key file (also known as a PVK file). It can load PVK files and associate them with their corresponding X509 certificates.

public classRSAExponentOfOne
The RSAExponentOfOne class generates so-called 'exponent-of-one' RSA keys. These keys are special RSA keys, in the sense that the output buffer matches the input buffer for an RSA encryption or decryption. Practically, this means that if you generate a key-exchange message using a RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter class that was initialized with such a special key, the resulting key exchange buffer will include the secret key unencrypted. Exponent-of-one keys are very useful when you're in the debugging stage of your application. You can use these keys instead of 'normal' RSA keys, and the entire system keeps working as expected. The only difference is that the 'encrypted' data is the same as the unencrypted data - a very useful feature for debugging purposes.

public classStrongNameFile
Represents a Strong Name file (also known as an SNK file).

public classX509CertificateGenerator
Generates self-signed X509 certificates.


public enumerationKeyUsageExtension
Defines the different certificate key usage schemes.

public enumerationReasonCodeExtension
Defines the different certificate revocation reason codes.