by Daniel [dag at pranke dot com] posted on 2005/09/26 |
I did not get a glue, if and how I can have a secure Socket based on the (already accepted) Socket I get from my Communication server?
Could you give me a short hint on how to use this internal SecureSocket Constructor, that seems to do what I would like to do but from the outside?
Daniel |
by Dmytro posted on 2005/10/19 |
well once you accept, you can pass the Socket to another class useing a variable called Object, (cuz object can be anything)
Dim webproxy As HTTPSocket = New HTTPSocket(Socket)
Dim thread As New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf
that class HTTPServer will have a variable " Private clientSocket As Object"
Public Sub New(ByVal socket As Object)
Me.clientSocket = socket
End Sub
Hope it helps |