by Mike Skellls [mike dot skells at ebizz-consulting dot com] posted on 2004/03/30 |
Is there any way to access the friendly name and /or the description of the certificates in the Certificate store?
I need to manage a number of certificates (used for the same purpose), and that appears to be the only fileds that the user can edit to make an easy association |
by Pieter Philippaerts [Pieter at mentalis dot org] posted on 2004/04/01 |
Yes, you can use the GetName method of the Certificate class.
Alternatively, if you need more fine-grained control, take a look at the GetDistinguishedName method of the Certificate class. This method returns a DistinguishedName instance which is a collection that contains NameAttribute structures. These structures contain an object identifier which is a standard string [ie "", go to for more info] and an associated value. You can then use these OIDs to get specific information from the certificate, ie. the subject's telephone number, surname, ... |